

HTML (1)

HTML (1)



Everything  we see on the WEB is a document written in a special language called HTML ( Hypertext Markup Language ).
This language tells the browsers like Internet Explorer how to display text,pictures and links on the screen.
Image result for computers picsImage result for computers pics

Capabilities ( HTML )

  1. It is used to design layout of a document.
  2. It is used to specify the hyperlinks.
  3. It tells browser how to display the contents.
  4. It also tells how to make a document interactive.

HTML Document Structure

Image result for html pocs<html>
<title>Title of the Page</title>
The things you want to display will come here

TAGS used

<html> = This tag is used to identify the document.
  • Starting of document <html>
  • Ending of document </html>
<head> = It contain information about the document(title,document,style).
  • Starting <head>
  • Ending </head>
<title> = This contain the title of document.
  • Starting <title>
  • Ending </title>
<body> = This tag encloses all information,tags,attributes.
  • Starting <body>
  • Ending </body>

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