

HTML (6)

HTML (6)

How Much Do Computers Cost? | We Love Prof - IN

Margins = If you want to leave some space blank you have to use this tag.

  • LEFT MARGIN = To leave some space in left side
Tag : <body leftmargin = value>

  • RIGHT MARGIN = To leave some space in right side
Tag : <body rightmargin = value>

  • TOP MARGIN = To leave some space in top 
Tag : <body topmargin = value>

Example ↓↓↓↓

<title>My page</title>
<body topmargin = 60 leftmargin = 70 rightmargin = 45 >
sample text. This code will help you to understand how to leave space.

CENTER TAG = It is used to centralize a segment of text

Tag : <center>sample text</center>


<title> sample page </title>
this is a <center> sample text </center>that how to use this text

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