

HTML (5)

HTML (5)

Image result for cartoon images


Container and Empty Elements

  • Container = These element require a closing tag
EG: <html>.... </html> , <head>....</head>

  • Empty = These element does not require closing tag
EG: <br> , <img>

 Background Graphics

  • Background Tag  = This tag is used to change the background 
TAG : <body background = "filename.gif">

Eg ↓↓↓↓↓↓

<title>sample page</title>
<body background = "filename.gif">
sample text 

  • Background color = This tag is used to change the background color
TAG : <bg color >

Eg ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓

<title>My Page</title>            
<body bgcolor ="yellow">
sample text

  • Text Color = This tag is used to change the color of the Text
TAG: <text = "red">

Eg ↓↓↓↓↓↓

<title>My page</title>   
<body text = "red">
Sample Text

  • Link Color = This tag is used to change the Color of Link

  1. link = link color
  2. vlink = visited link color
  3. alink = active link color

Eg ↓↓↓↓↓↓



<title>My Page </title>

<body link = "red" vlink = "blue" alink = "yellow">
sample text

Image result for cartoon images

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